Sunday, January 17, 2010

Happy Birthday, Natalie and Amanda!!

Natalie and Amanda turned 2 on January 3rd. They had a fun day at home opening some presents and eating some yummy cupcakes. Amanda loved the cupcakes and decided to have a bite of all of them! Here she is getting ready to blow out the candles.

Natalie was a bit wary of the flaming candles in the cupcake, but once daddy helped blow them out she was feeling much better....

The girls love opening presents now, Natalie in particular. Here she is, very excited as she unwrapped a new play kitchen.

And here are both girls playing in that kitchen. They love it!

While the celebration was mellow on their actual birthday, the girls had a little party at ArtBeast with a few friends this past weekend. They all decorated crowns, ate some cupcakes and got down and dirty with some cool artwork.

Will had fun at their party too, taking it all in as usual.

It doesn't get better than that! Happy Birthday, girls! We've started the two's off right!

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