Sunday, January 13, 2013


When Natalie and Amanda were born, everyone said to enjoy every minute because they grow up so fast. When we were up all night with multiple newborn feedings and diaper changes, we were not so sure that we believed this advice. But now that our little girls are five years old, we are convinced! The time really has flown by, right before our eyes!

Natalie and Amanda turned five on January 3rd.  They have grown into amazing little girls.  Natalie loves the color pink and when she draws, her pictures are full of rainbows and flowers.  She is fiercely competitive (insisting on being first on every occasion -- something we're working on!), has a memory like a steel trap and she is the queen of the monkey bars. 

Amanda loves yellow and orange.  He art is more abstract -- she combines colors and shapes together in a beautiful way.  She is quietly intense, has an amazing ability to focus on a task, loves spatial challenges and is very coordinated and flexible.

Natalie and Amanda were so excited to go to school on their birthday, as they are the honorees at the Montessori Celebration of Life ceremony (otherwise known as "birthday circle").  They even put on their fancy clothes for the occasion!  Here they are getting prepared for their birthday circle, by placing the twelve months in a circle around a candle.


Their best girlfriends sat right behind them.

Will was a special visitor in their classroom that morning.

After the months were lined up, they took the globe off its stand.

And then they walked around the circle five times, one for each year.

Happy girls!

After the girls got home from school, we had a special family celebration.  First, they posed for some pictures. 

Then we lit the candles on their cupcakes!

Natalie takes the blowing-out-the-candles-business very seriously!

They were only a little excited to open their birthday presents!

A new Hello Kitty necklace!

And a star-studded sweatshirt!

A basket for our bicycles.  Yay!

Colorful butterflies!

New Barbie clothes!  Woo hoo!

Happy birthday, Natalie and Amanda.  We love you very much and we love the little ladies you are becoming!
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