Saturday, June 28, 2008


Natalie and Amanda have changed so much over the last month. They both "talk" up a storm these days and we enjoy listening to them testing out new sounds. They are also both rolling over now -- front to back. Amanda was working on this for quite some time and finally made it all the way over last weekend. Natalie, on the other hand, did not seem interested at all and so we never saw her "practicing" for the big roll. But, not to be outshined by her sister, she also rolled over this week. They are funny in that although they know how to get back onto their backs after rolling onto their tummies, they seem to get stuck on their tummies and then start to cry for assistance in getting onto their backs.

They also ate cereal for the first time last weekend when their grandparents were here. Both girls made quite a mess! Natalie seemed to enjoy it the whole eating experience. Amanda, on the other hand, is still getting used to it.

Here are some recent photos of the girls. Both girls are enjoying playing with the fun toys from grandma and grandpa. Here is Amanda.

And here is Natalie.

And Natalie playing in the ExerSaucer...we continue to LOVE this toy in our house.

Here is Daddy and Natalie.

And the girls playing together. They are really having fun with each other these days.

Both girls have discovered their feet recently. Natalie is particularly possessed with them though and she spends a lot of time looking like this.

Here is Natalie in a much more lady-like pose.

And finally, here is proof that they are enjoying eating cereal (Amanda first, followed by Natalie).

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