Sunday, July 19, 2009

Busy, Busy

We Skype with the grandparents on the weekends and they always comment on how busy the girls are. It's true. They are *constantly* running around the house or outside doing something and that something usually only keeps them occupied for a minute or so before they run off to the next thing. Just a few examples follow; rest assured, there are many, many more!

Here is Natalie "standing" on her head. She does this often!

And, here she is playing peek-a boo.

Natalie reading a magazine.

Amanda doing the same.

Natalie just being silly.

Amanda putting on her shoes. The girls are very independent these days and we often spend quite awhile allowing them to put on their own shoes!

Amanda re-arranging the coasters on table (this actually occupied her for about 5 minutes....nice!).

A sticker-crazed Amanda.

We also went swimming today in our own pool for the first time this season (have to wait til the water gets really warm, like over 100 degrees for at least a week, before mommy is willing to get in!). I wasn't able to get any pics while we were all in the pool as the girls need constant attention there. They had great fun and are completely tuckered out tonight! After the pool time, the girls played in the yard with their toys. (The "wet suits" are not because it was the least bit cold outside but rather to avoid having to spend an hour putting sunscreen on before we head outside.....)

Amanda playing with a bubble maker.

Natalie eating a tomato that daddy grew in the garden.

And, here they are actually sitting still for a moment and just being cute!

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