Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter 2010

We had a great Easter this year and we hope all of you did too! The girls had a blast searching the house for eggs and they mostly enjoyed their Easter candy. It's a BIG yes on the M&Ms but a definite no so far on the Peeps! The chocolate bunnies have not hopped out of their packages yet but I'm sure they will be devoured too. Here is a photo of some of the Easter loot....only some because not included is the special basket left on our doorstep by the secret Easter bunny. Thank you secret bunny!!

The Easter Bunny brought all 3 kids a little wind up caterpillar and they were a big hit. Amanda jumped when she first saw it move!

Will paid close attention to the entire process -- from the egg coloring to the candy eating so that he can be ready for the the action next year!

Here is a short video of the girls showing their delight and surprise (and the wonderful toddler phrase "mine") after discovering all of the goodies on Easter morning.

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