Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Mellow Weekend

We had a mellow weekend as Mom was out of town for part of the weekend and Dad was a little under the weather on Saturday. However, Mom returned with presents and Dad is doing much better! Mom bought the girls a fancy bead necklace kit, and here is Amanda intensely concentrating on beading her string to make beautiful!

Natalie also had fun stringing her necklace but was not quite as focused on completing the task and needed a little help from Mom.

Amanda, the one who normally smiles for any camera shot, had to manufacture the silly smile for a brief second when we distracted her from her task.

Natalie, who generally runs from the camera, was just so happy to pose wearing her newly made necklace!

Needless to say, the girls wore them until bedtime with the promise to see them again in the morning.

Here is Amanda and her completed necklace.

Natalie being silly!

And, Both girls saying a BIG "cheese" and being silly!

Will was napping during much of today's photo shoot, but here is a recent picture of him being the happy little boy that he is. He is changing rapidly every day. A few steps have turned into purposeful walks, he knows what he wants and fights to get it, he says a few words (such as "mama" and "hi") and otherwise has a robust vocabulary of baby talk that seems quite purposeful but has not been said in a way we can understand it, he loves to clap and dance to Elmo songs, and he has a ton of fun these days carrying around a photo of Mom and Dad from our bedside table and he enthusiastically points us out in the picture.

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