Saturday, August 6, 2011

Another Fair To Remember

We had fun, fun, fun at the State Fair last weekend. We spent most of our time in the "farm" section, where the kids had a great time exploring and playing.

First, everyone posed for a picture at the entrance of the farm, where they had a beautiful display of flowers. Unfortunately, the sun was a little bright right in their eyes so we got some squinty looks.

We got to see a lot of animals, such as this huge steer.

And this cute alpaca with the impressive hair cut

We even got to try milking a "cow". That was fun!

Everyone had fun driving several different tractors.

And the girls stood tall next to the very tall corn.

The highlight of the trip for the kids was probably getting to ride on the real and not-so-real animals. Natalie rode the golden bear.

But even more exciting was the ride on the little pigs.

Speaking of pigs, could these little guys be any cuter?

Or this little baby goat?

Okay, we digress with baby animal cuteness. The absolute highlight was the ride on the REAL ponies. All three kids thought it was a blast and they talked about it nonstop for days.

After all that hard work, it was time for a snack. We had some great baby carrots provided by the "farm" and some very yummy hand churned ice cream! That was a little better than the carrots!

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