Saturday, March 17, 2012

Crop Duster

Last weekend, the weather was so beautiful that we all decided to head out to one of our favorite local wineries. If you follow the blog, you most certanily have seen several posts of our picnics at Bogle. This trip was special. When we arrived, a crop duster plan was making passes on a field across the river from the winery. With each pass, the plane would zoom past, quickly circle, and buzz our heads on the return. The kids were so excited, they were dancing with joy!

Here is a close up of the yellow rascal!

With the plane in the top left, check out Will's facial expression as the plane approaches!

"Mom! The plane is coming right at me!"

Will bends down and tries to jump up and touch the plane as he passes.

Each time the plane circled around, the kids would dance, laugh and run in circles themselves!

Yea! This is so much fun!
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