Monday, March 24, 2014

Making Pasta!

We purchased a new pasta maker a few days ago to help make dinner a little more interactive and entertaining for the kids.  Natalie, Amanda and Will all love pasta, and they would eat some form for every meal if they were allowed to do so.  If it is not Mac and Cheese, it will be Spaghetti, Fettuccine. tortellini, rigatoni, etc., on the request list.  We tried our first batch and each gave their all into making their own personal batch.  Below, Will helps Dad crank out the the last pass through the past cutter wheels.  What concentration!

Will keeps cranking our several feet of taste fettuccine.  

Next is Natalie's turn.  She is helping roll the pasta into the proper thickness.

Another  pass as it is not quite there.

FInally, we have reached the proper thickness and through the cutter it goes.

This is long pasta!

Very long pasta!

Here is our first attempt, and it tasted even better!  Bon Appetite!

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