Monday, May 30, 2011

Shaving Cream Fun

Last weekend, we held a shaving cream extravaganza in our backyard to entertain the kids. They had an absolute blast! They all started out with a little bit of trepidation as they were not quite sure what to do with all of that white fluffiness. Mom, what is this stuff in my hands?

Here, Will stirs it up with his bat.

Amanda holds her frog and duck masterpieces!

But they wasted no time diving right in. After just a short while, they had covered their little bodies from head to toe!

This is really fun!

I think my knees need some shaving cream to help my boo boos heal...

Mom, are there any spots not covered with shaving cream?

Will sports his new white cap!

After they were plastered with shaving cream, we got the sprinklers out to rinse off. They thought that was great fun too.....

Help Mom, it is spraying everywhere!

And Will's favorite line these days, "I will get it."

After about an hour of this, we had three blue-lipped, shivering little beings who had to be convinced to dry off and warm up. Round number two is coming soon!

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