Sunday, June 10, 2012

Dreaming Big

The local pizza place we like best has not only yummy pizza, but also a store featuring some Italian items. Included among the Italian fare is a Fiat and a Ducati motorcycle. Obviously, it's not your average pizza place. Will took an immediate liking to that shiny, red Ducati on our first visit. He talked about that motorcycle all the time thereafter and, on occasion, he suggested that we take a trip back to the pizza place so he could see the motorcycle.

Will has also been saving up his pennies so he can buy new toys -- ones that are available in the dollar section. Recently, however, he decided he did not want just a toy motorcycle; he wanted the real thing! He asked us if we could go to the pizza place that night so he could buy the motorcycle. We were happy to oblige on the trip to the pizza place but warned him that he might not have enough money saved up yet to the buy the motorcycle. Undeterred, he packed up all of his pennies from his penny jar and put them into a little green bag that he carries all of his prized possessions around in. After we arrived and placed our pizza order, we went out to look at the motorcycle and flagged down one of the waitresses so he could ask if he had enough money to make the purchase. He was not the least bit shy. He walked right up to her and asked his important question. And when she nicely told him that he needed to save for awhile longer, he said "okay" and went on his merry way.

He is one happy boy on that motorcycle! It's good to have dreams! (Even if they are ones that Mom isn't particularly fond of!)


Natalie and Amanda think that the motorcycle is fun too!
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