Sunday, June 17, 2012


Although the kids thought it was great fun to raid the coat closet and wear their winter hats, scarves and boots, it is now HOT here.  It was 107 degrees yesterday at our house!  Wow! 
Since it was so hot, we spent most of our day swimming in the pool.  All of the kids are taking swimming lessons and they are all making great strides.  It's nice for mom and dad as it means time in the pool is not nearly as stressful as it used to be.  We also spent some time in the kiddie pool, which is also fun.  Everyone took a turn spinning in the tube, which gets a big thumbs up across the board.


Miss Natalie shed a tear while waiting for her turn.  Luckily, the sadness did not last long and it made for a cute picture.

Miss Amanda, on the other had, was happy happy!

Before heading up to the tub, we decided to attempt a shot in the grass with all of three kids.  It was worth the effort.  This is my new favorite photo! 
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