Sunday, October 6, 2013

Wine Time

What could go better together than a beautiful sunny fall day and a picnic at our local winery?  We have made many trips to Bogle and the facilities and fun keep getting better and better with each visit.  They recently renovated the back picnic area and here the kids enjoy lunch spread out on their picnic blanket.


Will wore his favorite froggie shirt, with hopes that he will find one hiding out in the vines.

Will loves to take photos with the camera.  And although most times his photos are a little off center, he did manage to take this very good portrait of Mommy.  Say "cheese" Mom!

Next, it was Mommy's turn with the camera.  The kids love to run around the property as there are many new an exciting things to do and see.  Below, the kids walk the top of a wall like a balance beam.


Here is a great photo of Natalie and Amanda, best friend sisters!  At least in this photo.  ;-)

Beautiful Amanda!

Lovely Natalie!

Next, everyone took a turn swinging on the willow tree branches.


Wee this is fun!

Will is off in search of critters and even the frog!
Natalie and Amanda join the hunt. 

Harvest has just ended, and there are a few grapes remaining on the vines and have started to turn into raisins.

Handsome Will!

What a cute kid!

Will is all boy and loves to find the biggest and best stick around.  We have a grand collection at the house.

We also did some art projects and here is Natalie's who is so proud of her rainbow.

Here is Will pretending to be a scary frog with suction cups on his fingers.  (These are actually acorn tops but they fit nicely onto his fingers.)

All 10 fingers now had "suction cups," but then one fell off.   Ugh!

Natalie is beaming with excitement as she found a double and triple top acorn.

Another great photo of Amanda.

Finally, we tried to get another group kid photo, and this was the best one out of about 100 attempts.  Can't remember what they were saying, but it must have been good!

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