Saturday, November 23, 2013

Fish Hatchery

We recently had a really fun trip recently to the local fish hatchery.  It was a beautiful sunny day and the fish were jumping hungry!  Food dispensers were stationed at the end of each pond so we started off feeding the fish.  The were very excited to see us, take our food and dance on top of the water in payment.  Will takes a handful to see just how many he can attract!

Amanda takes a more conservative approach and feeds them one pellet at at time.

Natalie is having a blast watching all the fish jump and being able to touch the cold cold water!  Brrr!

Amanda decides to join for a nice photo!

After feeding the fish, we ventured inside where Natalie posed with the giant red fish.

And all of the kids had fun sitting in the gigantic fish eggs.

Mom, I'm a guppy!

Amanda asks, "Are the eggs really this big?"

Back outside, we had great fun sitting inside this gigantic fish.  Will is about to be gobbled up!

Next is Amanda taking on the vicious jaws!

Hey, these are not scary!

Being swallowed by the big fish, Amanda found herself inside the belly of the big beast.

After the fish hatchery, we went to one of our favorite toy stores where the kids traded in nearly all of their Halloween candy (and I mean a lot of candy) for a toy of their choice.  Natalie and Amanda liked this little house inside the store.

We then left and had a very yummy lunch at a fine local eatery.  Outside this restaurant are some cool life-like sculptures.  Natalie and Amanda decided to pose with the artwork!  

Finally, we were home and little Sam, the nanny's dog, was very happy to see us.  She loves Will, in particular!  Here she greets him with many sloppy kisses!

And then Sam poses for a photo with Natalie.
We chuckle all the time about how we now have a gigantic dog and a miniature dog living at our house now.  Here is our effort to capture the irony!


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